Tag Archives: Oppresson

Lamp . . . Light – April 15, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Psalm 82

Psalm 82:4 Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. NIV.

In my childhood my mother on occasion conducted a hand inspection prior to allowing us children after playing outside to eat our meals. And how we needed to clean our hands and the thought of a self-inspection was the furthest thing from our consideration. I suspect that may be true of how I consider the plight of the poor and oppressed of the world. Usually when I think of oppression of the weak and needy I criticize others who are blatantly guilty. Perhaps you relate to this perspective. How rarely do we inspect our own hands.

We live in a consume-driven economy and we (at least I know I do) desire the least inexpensive products available. Sadly, much of the manufacturing process is based on near slavery sweat-shop conditions in mining, farming, and assembly. Can it be that in my quest for the cheap goods justifies my ignoring the abuse which occurs in providing what I want? What can I do to live more simply, consume a little less, give a little more, and live a life of compassion?

I heard of a Quaker woman, prior to the Civil War, refused to wear anything made of cotton or to cook with sugar because slave labor was utilized to produce both. This meant she wore woolen clothes in summer and drank unsweetened tea. Whether or not this had an impact on the conditions of those oppressed by slavery, this woman lived her beliefs and refused to support in any way a system which dehumanized people.  

Again I ask, “What can I (we) do to minimize my (our) dependence on easy and inexpensive luxury obtained by the exploitation of others? In answer, I suggest we become creative and educate ourselves. There are several avenues to purchase “fair market” products from artisans around the world. I have a collection of nativities and try to purchase any new set from 10,000 Villages. I make the sacrifice of paying higher than some on-line marketplace. It is a small price for integrity. I can also face my “just in case” mindset. Because I may need something, sometime, does not mean I must keep it in a series of boxes labeled “Packed in 1995”! Rather, could I not simplify my life, sort the box and discard what I haven’t seen since 1995.

Grant me the grace to love my compassion and practically care for the oppressed. Teach me the true meaning of “it is better to give than receive.” Amen.

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