Tag Archives: Majesty

Lamp . . . Light – May 2, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Psalm 93

Psalm 93:4 Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea – the LORD on high is mighty!  NIV.

On March 11, 2011 at 2:46 p.m. a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck with an epicenter was located some in the Pacific Ocean 80 miles east of the city of Sendai, Miyagi prefecture. The resulting tsunami waves measuring approximately 33 feet high inundated the Japan coast and caused massive devastation to property and caused an estimated loss of 20,000 lives. Never before had the world been inundated with video accounts of the massive destructive force of the “breakers of the sea.” I remember watching videos with a macabre fascination almost transfixed by the force of nature and the near unbelievable destruction displayed for all to see.

If you witnessed those scenes, pause for a moment and consider what an awesome display of power they provided.

Then consider again this verse from Psalms. God is mightier than the thunder of great waters and the breakers of the sea. I have heard the thunder of the waters cascading over Niagara Falls. I have view massive breakers crashing the shores of the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Filipino Seas. As awe-inspiring as those wonders are, there is One who is mightier still. That one is God, Maker of heaven and earth. Indeed, the world as we know it (with its wonders and marvels) began with a word spoken by God. He designed our universe and brought it into being.

Therefore, He is worthy of all our praise, glory, honor, and surrender. Since God created all that is, can He not easily transform us into the image of His beloved Son? Let my life become a symphony of worship and honor to the God who loves and redeems.

Thank You God for Your wonderful creation. Enable my life to reflect Your new creation and my participation in Your kingdom now. Amen.

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Lamp . . . Light – March 20, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Psalm 76

Psalm 76:4 You are resplendent with light, more majestic than mountains rich with game. NIV.

What is your opinion of the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses? If you are like me you probably don’t give them much thought, regardless of one of my grandchildren’s fascination with the Percy Jackson series. Perhaps one of the reasons we seem to easily dismiss them is their character. Although they have supernatural powers, they live by the same passions and personal weaknesses as people. They lie, cheat, manipulate, betray their mates, deceive, and murder. If fact, I don’t think I would desire to get to know any of those mythical gods. They are no more than oversized versions of people. Maybe I would envy them but love and serve them? I think not.

While it is easy to criticize the ancients for worshipping manageable deities, could it be possible that we believers today desire a manageable God? Perhaps we, deep down if we’re honest, desire a God we can understand so well we can approach in the correct way to get what we desire. Yet, no matter how we attempt to tame God, we fail. We would do well to remember the words of the Beavers to the Pevensies children in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, who when asked if Asalan (the God figure) was safe replied, “Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.” God is good and at the same time beyond my comprehension.

This psalm describes God as utilizing light as raiment and being more majestic than a mountain scape. I recall as a youth attempting to understand eternity (a core characteristic of God). How can something last for billions and billions of years and still have the same amount of time ahead of it as at the start? Who can grasp that. Even the opening words of the inspired Scripture begins with “In the beginning God . . .” Before anything that is began God, and God alone, existed as a self-sustaining reality with no need for anything outside Himself. Yet God chose to demonstrate His character and power by creating a universe beyond our wildest imagination.

How important it is for us today to turn our thoughts toward God’s wonderful majesty and character. We do this in part by reading and meditation upon the great hymns of praise found in God’s word. The psalms are full of songs attributing to God the glory of which He is worthy. We can also immerse ourselves in the worship hymns the church has utilized over the centuries. These can expand our wonder and the range of our worship. Even the great literature and art which believers have produced. Let’s open ourselves to the wonder of God who is both beyond our comprehension and yet so involved in our lives He, through faith, indwells us by His Spirit.

This calls for a ever continuing stream of praise and worship by which believers through their abilities express our praise, honor, and worship through our creativity.

May the meditations of my heart flow into active exaltation of Your majesty with all the creativity, which You have entrusted me. Amen.

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