Tag Archives: Justification

Lamp . . . Light – April 14, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

John 14

John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey what I command. NIV.

I am grateful that one of the foundational doctrines of our Christian faith is justification by grace through faith in the completed work of Jesus’ death and resurrection. My reconciliation with God is not something I earn by my efforts to conform to a set of rules and obligations. Whatever else the law demonstrates, it proves that by my own efforts I cannot reach the perfect standard of behavior God requires to enter His holy presence. Considering my inability (as a member of humanity), God stepped in and Jesus entered the physical world, suffered in my place, died, and rose again. As simple as it may seem God invited us to “come and believe.” When we do, we are united to Him in the resurrection of His Son.

Yet, I cannot allow this truth to live passively and let live flow around me as I assume everything will be fine regardless of what I do. In this passage Jesus equates genuine love for Him with active obedience to His commands. The act of salvation changes not just my standing before God. Yes, my sins have been forgiven, yet I have also received a new life. This includes the desire to grow into the fullness of God’s image in Christ. Is not genuine love demonstrated by actions. A mother loves and nurtures her child. So, we who have trusted in Jesus come to realize that He saves us so we could be like Him in the lives we live.

Jesus’ foundational commands are to love God with every aspect of my being and to love others as I do myself. This means that if I evaluate my life in how I am progressing in my devotion to God I can confirm that my love is genuine. I do this by daily approaching scripture to ascertain God’s guidance and will. Then I offer my actions to accomplish, to the best of my ability that will. This process also is demonstrable in how I treat all with whom I come in contact each day. How well do I express Christ’s love to them by my words and actions? This is the true measure of my love-relationship with my Savior.

Father, I am Yours. Show me how You desire I mold my character and actions to conform to the image of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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