Lamp . . . Light – April 27, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:30 …but the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. NIV

I fear that some preachers, teachers, and individuals have misused the 31st chapter of Proverbs. How I wish I am free from my concerns, but I have joined those who have made this chapter and incredible burden on women. We have used it as a cudgel to emotionally browbeat women to a standard impossible for anyone to meet. In doing so we have not only misused scripture as a weapon (rather than a source of encouragement and hope), we have also ignored Jesus’ admonition that we examine the log (major weaknesses) in our own lives before we demand others remove the speck (some minor irritation).

What then is the purpose of this chapter? Throughout Proverbs Solomon spoke about two contrasting women. One is the wise woman who has filled her banquet hall with every delicacy. The other is the foolish and wayward woman who fills her tables with stolen meals. One leads to wisdom and life; the other to death and destruction. Solomon then concludes with a practical illustration of applying the way of wisdom in one’s life. He continues with his feminine theme.

I suspect that this paeon of praise for the woman is more of a description of all the varied ways a godly person manages their household. He is not providing a list of mandates for all women to uphold. The underlying principles and themes include: prudence, thrift, compassion, and worship, all of which are themes reiterated through out the book of Proverbs. One example of this is the statement that her lamp does not go out at night. This does not mean that she stays up all night, rather that she has the foresight to insure the household has a supply of oil sufficient to their daily needs and so has no fear of plunging the house into unexpected darkness at night.

Much of Proverbs, and not just this exhortation to the godly woman, reiterates the truth that the Christian life is to be live and not simply believed. Godly living, though not a requirement to receive God’s offer of redemption, is a natural outflow of the new life we receive and an offering of gratitude for God’s love and faithfulness.

I offer myself to You today. Do with me and build with me as You please. Amen.

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