Lamp . . . Light – April 11, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

John 13

John 13:17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. NIV.

Why do people attend church? I suspect the answers vary widely, almost as many reasons as those who attend. Probably, though, the rationale falls into several categories: some attend a particular church because they or their family grew up in that church, other people attend because this is the denomination to which they hold personal loyalty, others because of the programs for children and youth, some may choose a church based on its missionary vision and support, others because of the church’s location, and still others because it was through the people of that church they trusted Jesus as their Savior and from the joy of salvation join the fellowship. Others, like me in ministry, choose a church because both I and the congregation believe that I be the person God wants to guide that community into deeper love and service for God.

Yet, I have not always pastored and have spent time in a church as a congregant. I chose the churches primarily for two reasons. First, for the opportunities the church provided for developing children and youth in spiritual formation. Second, for the opportunities the church provided me for spiritual growth and service. At times my commitment to a particular church waivered because I felt the church did not provide me with the support or Biblical teaching I desired. I recall one service during Advent where not one explicit reference to scripture was made – no reading or allusion to it during the sermon. Thankfully, this was an aberration, which did not occur again.

This desire to be fed, though positive, presents a personal challenge. Jesus, in this passage, warns me that simply acquiring knowledge, i.e. getting fed, is insufficient for His followers. Once we learn a truth we are to live it. Jesus said we were to be generous and not to give so other people know. Do I ever give anonymously or without obtaining a receipt for taxes? Let me give in the spirit Jesus gave, lovingly and sacrificially.

Let’s remember that God entrusts knowledge of His will to those who are ready for the blessings which only come to those who do God’s revealed will. May that be me!

God, give me a heart of learning so that I more consistently demonstrate Your love to a watching world. Amen.

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