Lamp . . . Light – April 22, 2024.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Proverbs 24

Proverbs 24:19 Do not fret because of evil men, or be envious of the wicked, NIV.

I suspect there is a little bit of Eeyore in all of us. This sorrowful creature not only loses his tail but he also loses his perspective on life in such a way he transforms even the good in life to envision the worst possible scenario. How often have I, too, felt (if I have not said) on a sunny day, “Tut, tut, it looks like rain!”

One area about which I have worry and fret is how much evil and unrest there is in the world. It appears that many people do wrong and get away with it. Just set your cruise control at the speed limit on an interstate highway and see how many people pass you. Many may even share some sign language or musical car horn composition (especially if you are in the “wrong lane”). My concerns go beyond speeding. I lock my car, stow valuables in the trunk, and insure my house windows and doors are locked. I check my bank and credit card statements to insure there are no unauthorized charges.

Yet, our culture also admires wrong-doers. Think of the popular Godfather movies or the Soprano series. In those productions evil doing is almost elevated to a place of admiration and desirability. Solomon urges us in Proverbs to neither fear about the success of evil doers not to envy them and their apparent immunity from disaster. He assures us that God will vindicate His name and will. Eventually those who defy God’s preferred manner of living will face the consequences and God will reward those who are faithful in obeying Him.

So, when we look around us and observe the current state of affairs, let us cling to the hope that God sees and knows. What is done in secret will one day be exposed. Let us live in integrity doing in private nothing over which we would be embarrassed if it came to light.

Father, You are not just a loving Redeemer, You are also the righteous Judge. May I trust in You to provide and protect. Amen.

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