Tag Archives: Christ’s return

Lamp . . . Light – June 5, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Revelation 18

Revelation 18:3 …The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the sea grew rich from her excessive luxuries. NIV.

The book of Revelation records the cosmic battle between the forces of good aligned with God and the forces of evil under the domain of Satan. Although it looks like the forces of Satan might dominate the church the Christ. Yet the crucified lamb will be victor.

Satan’s alliance is an unholy trinity arrayed against the people of God and seeks absolute control and dominion over our world. Their master is the deceiver and liar from the beginning. This unholy alliance is comprised of the political systems, false religions systems, as well as economic structures. Each institution seeks its own will and power.

Regardless of how beneficial a political system starts, it eventually it turns totalitarian. Instead of serving the people, leaders come to view the people as servants of the government. Nations eventually demand loyalty above that to one’s faith and family. The maxim is correct: “Power corrupts.” Yet, the basis of all governmental systems is the accumulation of power. The inevitable result is corruption. This plays into the hand Satan who ever seeks to corrupt and dominate people.

False religions have the same outcome. They demand loyalty above all else. This has even invaded the church. How many denominations state or imply that the only way of salvation comes from allegiance to their brand of faith. Members must be loyal to their denomination above all else.

Economic systems operate in a similar manner. The system of capitalism has its faults, primary of which is the elevation of the accumulation of wealth. Thus, the inherent greed of capitalism enables a few to accumulate great wealth to the neglect of the many. Conversely, collectivist societies end up doing the same. Although the mantra of collectivist societies is, “From each according to his ability; to each according to his need,” sadly the result is the same as the excessive capitalism. A small minority accumulates both power and resources while the majority remain in want. This too furthers Satan’s strategy for world domination.

The good news is that the lamb did not remain slain. Three days later He rose the victorious lion of Judah. Now in heaven He intercedes on behalf of his people. This should be a tremendous encouragement for all of us who face the challenges and opposition of the unholy alliance. But the story does not end with conflict. It concludes with the final trumpet, the risen Savior returning to defeat his enemies, judge the world, reward his people, and reign forever.

Thank You, Father, that our hope rests in You, that this present conflict is not the end, and that we have hope in our Savior’s return. Amen.

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Lamp . . . Light – February 9, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Mark 13

Mark 13:35 Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back . . . NIV.

It wasn’t too long ago we heard and sang, ” You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. He’s making a list. He’s checking it twice. He’s going to find out, Who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town.”

And why is this song popular. It is not merely the snappy tune, it is the message we hope the younger generations will heed. “Be on your best behavior. That way you will insure you get presents.” As a child, I heard that message loud and clear. For me Christmastime was magical and I wanted that wonder to continue. So, I prepared for Christmas by being the best I could possibly be. I know now my behavior didn’t impact what I received, but I believed it at the time.

This passage in Mark tells us to prepare for another event: the return of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. When I retired I thought about all the time I would have to do the things I wanted to do. Yet, I found my days filled with an abundance of activities and it seems like I have less time for myself than I did while still working. Because of the ease of accumulating distractions, Jesus commands us to keep watch.

He wants us to maintain a priority of focusing on things pertaining to God’s kingdom. These included becoming accurate reflections of Christ’s character, passionate lovers of God as demonstrated in a willingness to obey His will in all matters, and a deep desire to share God’s love with the world around us. Part of being prepared for the day when the clouds open and Jesus returns is to enlist faithful followers to join in living a transformed life and spreading the message of the coming King.

Fill my heart with expectation and devotion, that in all I think, do, and say, Your will be done in and through me. Amen.

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