Lamp . . . Light – June 17, 2024

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Luke 11

Luke 11:28 …Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. NIV.

When I read this I wondered, ”Was James, Jesus’ brother, present when Jesus interacted with the woman?” We know that His brothers did not support Jesus’ ministry. But James, at least, eventually came to believe and lead the church in Jerusalem. He also wrote an inspired letter in which he said something reminiscent of Jesus: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (James 1:22.) Had James observed the incident in Luke 11, then we know the source of his admonition.

Perhaps you find this observation as fascinating as I do. That may be an indication that you, also, enjoy hearing and learning about God’s word. I spend four years in Bible college and three years in seminary mastering the content of the Bible and the theological teachings of the Church. There is much to do to handle the Word of truth accurately and to articulate the intention of God through the writers who composed in an agrarian culture in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Much of my ministry has been spent in assisting people to understand what they hear.

But Jesus desires much more from us. He wants us to do what the Word instructs. In His summary of the mission He entrusted to the disciples (Matthew 28:20), He instructs them to make disciples “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Let us teach by example. Isn’t that the way we always learn. Think of little children. They learn to speak by listening. They learn to eat with utensils by watching adults eat. If we want them to learn correctly, we must model correct behavior. The same with the Word. Since we are commission to teach people obedience, we must obey Christ with every fiber of our being.

God, make my life and example of Your love and grace. May I live to serve You in obedience to the Word. Amen.

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